What Is DECA

Why You Should Compete in a Role Play Event

Roleplays are the perfect way to test your skills of improvisation and quick-thinking or just confidence improvement! If you’re willing to take on the challenge of spontaneity, roleplays are the optimum type of competition for your DECA experience.

Test your knowledge!

Given performance indicators and a scenario, your true knowledge about your competitive event is being put to the test! This best indicates your strengths and weaknesses, helping you build your knowledge and experience of working in the business world. Not only does this improve your skills and application, but also allows you to showcase your abilities on the tested subject. Roleplays really give you a chance to put your best foot forward, if you’re willing to work for it!

Build your confidence!

Learning to present or speak in public can be intimidating and embarrassing, however, roleplays are the icebreaker to gaining confidence in your presentations. Roleplays give you a safe environment to practice your presentation, in a one-on-one environment with the judge. This allows you to have a more intimate environment, giving you tense, yet secure, conditions to grow your confidence skills. A large factor in roleplays includes your confidence levels: handshake, eye contact, posture, and overall engagement. These confidence indicators can boost your presentation, and teach you valuable lessons for future interviews where confidence is key! Considering the factor of improvisation and spontaneity, with practice, roleplays help teach confidence even when you feel overwhelmed in an interview.

Give you an accurate image of real-life situations!

Taking on a hypothetical role and purpose in these interviews allows you to not only assert confidence but gain knowledge of how your skills are applicable in the business world. All roleplays have a situation that is likely to occur in your future of conducting business, whether it comes to customer satisfaction or managing resources. Roleplays give you an accurate representation of problems that employers face and allow you to explore the options of solutions. Not only will this increase your score in a DECA competition, but furthermore prepare you for your future in the business world. Practicing creating new ideas and solutions with originality and leadership in a roleplay inclines you towards being more successful in the future when you approach a similar situation.



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DECA Presentations

Click on the presentation name above to jump to that section.



What does this presentation include?

*The Google Slides and PowerPoint versions each have presentation notes in the notes section of each slide*




What does this presentation include?




What does this presentation include?




What does this presentation include?




What does this presentation include?

Why You Should Put in the Work for #DECAGlass

Around this time of year, many members in my chapter are beginning their competition preparation and they often ask the chapter officers “Why should I put in the work for DECA glass?” The generic response of many include:
-Free vacation
-Fun-experience away from school (except making up the missed work is not so much fun)
-Bolstering college resumes

However, these superficial reasons aren’t what develops winners of DECA glass, instead it's the reward reaped through perseverance and hard work. Whether you are running for office, competing in your respective event, or winning a D4DC scavenger hunt, that moment of glory on stage is unlike any other. I can say that there truly is nothing better than raising that DECA glass (or medallion depending on district awards ;) above you like Mufasa holding Simba in the Lion King as many competitors admire your success.

Last year, I advanced from the District 4 CDC to state. My upperclassmen friends had told me how difficult the road beyond state to ICDC would be, saying that “The other kids are getting almost perfect scores on their tests and role-plays and even if you are perfect, it’s still the luck of a draw”. I never had that officer to tell me that going to ICDC would be a feat someone like me could achieve. As a result, I prepared much less that I should have, taking about two practice tests and a couple roleplays. During testing, I rushed because of the seemingly nonexistent possibility of reaching ICDC even with a good test score. Given my pessimism, I went to state without pressure and with a cool aura around me. As a result, the role-plays I did at SCDC had turned out to be successful and I knew I had maximized both role-plays despite my lack of specialized preparation. My words flowed eloquently and the thoughts were conveyed cohesively as the analogies and jokes I mentioned spiced up the act for the judges. Still, I woke up on Awards Day thinking that the most I could’ve achieved was a pat on the back from my amazing advisor, Mrs. Ash, after she saw my score report. With my event being near the end of the ceremony, I remember the moment my name came upon the screen- at first, a moment of shock and non-realization but after comprehending it, a surge of excitement and happiness in my body. Running up to the stage and receiving congratulations from all the 170+ chapter members added to the emotion.

When I went to ICDC, I had some of the best times of my life and I met friends from across the globe that I’ll never forget. This time I made sure I was much more prepared for competition. Although many don’t reach ICDC, the learning opportunities through failure should be used as your motivation to keep moving forward and coming back stronger than next year.  Therefore, when people ask why they should work to earn their DECA glass, I tell them about my once in a lifetime experience of holding that glass up and how it is achievable and realistic. It’s vital we express to our competitive members that this road is not only possible for them, but that their work and preparation will directly influence and better their chances of getting the famous #DECAglass.



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Why Should I Join DECA?

"Why should I join DECA?" is a question that almost all DECA members are asked. The typical response is centered around obvious, yet still significant reasons:
- Field Trips
- Competition
- Meeting new people
- Traveling the world

However, DECA is more than that. DECA is the premier high school and collegiate business organization in the world; it prepares its members for the real world in the fields of marketing, finance, hospitality, and management.

DECA can be a life-changing organization. From the lifelong connections created to the competitive spirit it incubates to the practical skills it develops, DECA has a prominent effect on the lives of each of its members.

Connections are one of the most powerful things to have. They develop into relationships, both socially and professionally, that mutually benefit all parties involved. Through its many conferences and events, DECA members are presented with the invaluable opportunity to meet members, with shared interests, from their school, city, region, state, and around the world. The relationships that ensue become cherished friendships, professional connections, and promising social circles that last a lifetime.

One thing that can't be taught is a competitive mentality. Instead, it is something that naturally develops from within one's personality through incubation. Through DECA's competitive events, the seed of a competitive spirit is planted within its members. This seed, over time, grows into a competitive mindset that promotes one's success. DECA acts as the catalyst for one to achieve this mentality; it promotes healthy competition.

DECA enhances many practical skills applicable to the real world. Skills such as time-management, public-speaking, presentation skills, strategy development, and numerous others are strengthened through DECA. DECA's academies, preparation, competition, and conferences all have the purpose of honing these skills for its members, preparing them for the future. These skills are crucial for educational and professional success, increasing efficiency, effectiveness, and leadership for all.

These reasons, and many more, show the reasons why one should join DECA. Together, they create an amazing organization for people across the globe. The connections formed, the spirit developed, and the skills learned through DECA will ensure one's success.

Be sure to join DECA to have the best high school experience of your life! Don’t Forget to check out the membership video below!



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How DECA Can Impact Your Life

DECA is larger than life! I’m not saying that only because DECA is my life, but because they offer so many events to compete in, so many scholarship opportunities to apply to, and so many experiences that become lifelong memories.

I joined DECA for the sake of wanting to learn more about business, and I ended up learning not only that, but also learning more about myself. I found a passion for leading and serving others, and by joining DECA, you can also learn from your fellow chapter members. You can compete alongside your chapter members for the exciting opportunity to advance to the state or even international level! I’ve been to internationals, and let me be the first to tell you that it's 10 times better than what you've heard and seen on social media. It’s incredible.

Obviously, the trips to conferences with friends on school days are great but remember that DECA excites, DECA inspires, and DECA shows its members how to be limitless. Whether or not your career or education path involves business, DECA can still help you along the way because this organization also focuses on building leadership skills and building a community. I’ve been grateful enough to find my best friends through DECA and also work with them on a team in the Community Service Project. Not only do we learn more about business through competitive events and other activities, but it’s a real experience. Joining as a member makes you a part of DECA, but you’ll soon realize that DECA becomes a part of you.



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My DECA Story: Madeline Severson

Going to ICDC in Orlando as a freshman inspired me to work hard for the rest of my course as a DECA member, to gain as many business skills as possible, and become the best I can be to make a difference in the future. Throughout my following few years as a DECA member, I shapeshifted into a confident public speaker and presenter. However my favorite DECA memory didn’t take place behind the blue curtain of competition. The real impact of DECA takes place in less obvious forms, of community involvement and newfound life opportunities. My chapter’s community service project impacted me the most; this is my story.

Our community service project focused on homelessness in Houston, and helping the homeless youth. I volunteered with my chapter at the Covenant House for numerous weekends. However the first time I walked into the Covenant House, I was unaware of the experience I was about to undergo. Immediately I got along with the other kids staying in the house. Over the sound of the intakes and I playing a round of Uno, I heard two teenagers living in the house having a conversation about me.

“Do you think she’s a new intake?”

“No, she looks happy.”

Hearing this completely changed my perspective on life. The fact that DECA was the organization that brought me to this experience, makes me want to convince every highschooler to join DECA and participate and push themselves in community service projects that will truly change their lives forever. DECA’s community service involvement benefits everybody, even the volunteers. Those homeless teenagers had seen straight past my appearance and into my purpose without even asking my name. This eye opening experience motivates me to commit myself to community service, and I hope DECA opens similar doors for many other students as well.



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Letter to Younger Self: A DECA Story

Dear Michael,

This is Michael from the future and I wanted to give you some thoughts as you join DECA. 

It’s going to be an incredible journey, but I want to kind of give you some tips in order for you to maybe handle the speedbumps a little better. Try to be more confident in yourself. When you compete, make sure to give it everything and leave no stone unturned. I think up until now, being bullied, all the different things that went on through school really held you back. Pull your shoulders back, have your head held high, and have confidence because you deserve to be here no matter what everyone else says. Positivity is everything. There will be low moments. And about last year, make sure everyone wakes up for the bus and to keep track of your presentation supplies.
When you have those difficult moments, I know how it feels. But this far ahead in the future, I can tell you that everything will be all right. I realize that you can’t change the past. All you can do is change the future. There will be times where things didn’t go our way. You have to do double for them to not have an excuse to take that away from you, but remember you’re the best person to believe in. Your DECA family will be there for you. And there’s nobody that will be there to fight your corner as much as them. 

DECA will bring many tears to your eyes- some of sadness and defeat (not becoming district president, missing finals awards, and messing up your ICDC presentation) but many of disbelief and happiness (visiting universal and Disneyland, being elected district 4 vice president, and going on stage for top-10 at ICDC) You’ll never believe that the first year, 2017, you will go to ICDC. There might’ve been better speakers and writers but nobody could’ve out-prepared you. Even though you had every intention to become a dentist or baker in the future, you’re going to learn so much and have a great time competing in Restaurant and Food Service Management and Learn and Earn Project. 

You’re going to learn so much about business and DECA along the way but more importantly learn about yourself and those around you. You’re going to make a lot of great relationships along the way. I’d just say to take your time and make some time for yourself. But dude, live it up, live it to the fullest. You’ll meet so many great people- Patrick, Naqeeb, Ishaan, Alamin, Peyton, Anthony, Chris, Harrison, Hayden, Matt, Tianhui, Bhavya, Omar, Zaid, Kevin, Karim, and Andrew. They will introduce you to so many amazing things and change the way you view the world. There’s so many opportunities and possibilities ahead. There’s so much potential in you- more than anyone else you’re competing against. Give it everything.

Best Regards,




Related Resources:

DECA Conferences: Expectations And Tips

We all know what’s coming up…. Power Trips and Educational Development Conferences! Hands up if you are ready! DECA provides three types of competitions : Leadership, Career Pathway and Career Development conferences. If this is your first, second, third or even tenth, I suggest you get ready for an extraordinary trip.  


Explore: Get ready to get out of your comfort zone, meet new people and explore the city! It not very often you have the chance to fly out to a new state, and experience new places and people with your DECA chapter so be #Limitless and take advantage of these opportunities. DECA conferences provide chances to learn new tips, ideas and pivotal information to help you in competition and the business world.

Learn: These conferences are developed to inspire, promote leadership, and educate! Workshops and seminars are going on throughout the conference covering many topics that will help you for the future. From workshops teaching you how to write a business plan,  how to prepare for a role play, to helping you speak more eloquently and how to ace professionalism and etc. These seminars have you covered! So don’t feel overwhelmed, choose a development workshop that best fits your needs!

Expect: These conferences are held in some of the most unique cities and atmospheres you will ever encounter. At conference, you will be engaging in all sorts of DECA-tastic activities you may have never thought about being a part of nor ever knew existed. As a student you will be immersed with a lot of information that will help prepare you for your future, but don’t let that scare you! Instead, take advantage of it and expect that you will leave the conference future ready! With a “go-getter” mentality you are destined to take advantage of every moment at conference.

Remember expand your horizons and don’t be shy to be outside of the box. Enjoy yourself and your trip, good luck!

For more information about DECA Conferences go to : https://www.deca.org/high-school-programs/high-school-educational-conferences/



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What Makes ICDC Unforgettable

If you spend every day after a conference wishing you were back in that moment, you’re not alone! I’ve been fortunate enough to attend my district and state career and development conference, but my absolute favorite has been the one and only ICDC! For most (if not all) non-DECA members, ICDC sounds like a strange code word or an element on the periodic table. Though, anyone in DECA can assure them that it’s not. In fact, it’s the BEST conference ever. Here’s the proof:

1. You get to meet people from all 50 states AND from other countries! There are 19,000 other DECA-lovers like you to meet, and this is your chance. You get to come back home and brag about how you’re now friends with people from North Carolina and California.

2. Pin trading is a blast! It’s a fun way to collect tokens from other places while meeting those new people I talked about in #1. Once you start trading, you’ll never stop.

3. Attractions are everywhere! Last year in Anaheim, chapters spent their free time at Universal or Disneyland or Downtown Disney or anywhere else because the city had so much to do!

4. The #DECAHYPE is real at Grand Awards when you see your friends or other Texas teams place top 10 in the world! It’s a big deal, and it’s such a lively environment to be in.

5. Competing at the international level is not just an honor but it’s its own experience. You are beside only the select few from across the world who have the opportunity of a lifetime to snatch #DECAGlass, and those who really want it will show it.

In all, ICDC is like no other conference because of its scale and the environment. It’s the prime opportunity to network, to compete, and (of ) course to have fun!



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How DECA Can Help People Outside of Business

While DECA is predominantly a business organization, it helps prepare emerging leaders in all professions. Through DECA, students can learn important skills that they will need regardless of their future profession.

One way that DECA benefits all students is by providing countless opportunities for students to participate in community service, which is mandatory for most high schools and looks great on college applications. Every year, either at the district or state competition, DECA partners with a business or organization to donate time and resources towards an important cause. This provides a great opportunity for students to get involved and get those community service hours they need.

In addition to community service hours, DECA can also prepare students for their future careers by teaching them how to communicate professionally in person and through email. All students competing in any competition will learn how to speak professionally to their judges. They will learn how to correctly introduce themselves and greet their judges in a respectful way, which is an important skill they will utilize regardless of what their future profession is. In addition to this, students will also have the opportunity to interact with local businesses and organizations in their community. They will often have to reach out to these businesses to set up meetings, which in turn gives them experience communicating with professionals through email.

The majority of competitions require working with a partner, which results in the building of teamwork and collaboration skills. In the work field, there is bound to be times where teamwork is required, so DECA students will already be prepared to handle working with other people. They will know how to work with people they may not get along with, or even just people they may not know very well.
Lastly, DECA also teaches students how to dress professionally, which can be useful for job interviews and most careers. With Texas DECA’s regulations on proper attire, students learn what is appropriate for professional settings and what isn’t. Students learn the important tips they may not have considered, such as skirt length, amount of jewelry, makeup, shoes, facial hair, and even how to wear a tie correctly.

All in all, DECA prepares students to become leaders in any profession they are seeking. Competing in DECA is a great way to learn many important skills students will need in the future and network with other future professionals.


DECA’s Brand

DECA stands for so much more than its face value. Not only what it offers to the members which are part of the organization as students, but as well to the professional and alumni members. The organization spans large distance throughout society and can be influential with its social and volunteering events.

Currently, DECA was founded in 1946, meaning it has been a well-known student organization for almost three generations of High School Students. DECA has a well standing reputation in the community and has been an active part of creating future leaders and entrepreneurs to better society. DECA also spans out internationally reaching out to nearly 10 million students since it was created. Having one of its biggest bases currently in Canada, in the state of Ontario, DECA has become known as a student organization all over the world. This just means DECA can now reach out too many more people which brings together diverse and different people to its conferences. The organization easily stands out in any form of the business world. Having DECA on a college resume to job application shows that you are ready to solve problems and work to help the business improve with the skills you have learned. It is also a tool to help connect with others while you are in High school and in your after-job life. After you finish DECA in High School you can stay connected with DECA as a collegiate member which allows you to compete in the same format but at a more advanced, college level. Advancing from that point you can become a professional or alumni member. Not only does this allows you to just support DECA as an organization, but also gives you a chance to be a judge and parent volunteer at different DECA events. DECA has also strengthened its community image with an annual DECA community service project on the district, state, and national level. By helping the community, a wide network of organizations become involved and get assisted. Causing change in the society has raised awareness about DECA as a whole. The last way DECA established itself was by creating many partnerships with different businesses and organizations. They have well developed relations with nearly 30 companies and universities making them well known giving high school members an advantage overall. DECA provides everyone who is part of the student organization a wide variety of benefits. 



Related Resources:

How to Give an Elevator Pitch About DECA

We all dread that awkward question “What's DICA?” After correcting them to DECA, what should you say afterward? Whether you are talking to a classmate or a CEO of a company, the importance of a good elevator pitch stands. Thus it is very important to be able to execute a tremendous elevator pitch about DECA. This article will teach you how to do it!

Share some history about DECA!
Considering DECA has been around since 1946, there is a lot of history about DECA. Find your favorite bit of information and share it! Some interesting facts include:
DECA has almost a quarter of a million members.
DECA is a worldwide organization.
DECA has almost 15,000 members in Texas alone.
Texas DECA has the most members! So Texas DECA is the best ; )
Sharing a fact about DECA or Texas DECA will intrigue whoever you are talking to. It will also show then that DECA is a very successful and important organization. As we all know, a strong hook is the best way to get someone excited about what you are talking about.

Share what DECA can do for you!
DECA has so many outlets that all of our members can express themselves through. Some of these can be professional, such as competing in written or roleplay events, applying for scholarships, networking, or running for an officer position! However, we all know DECA is also fun. Consider sharing the fun side of DECA... like that friend you met at ICDC or how your competition team bonded very well. Or tell them about your DECA pin collection from different states!

Share what you have done, and plan to do in DECA!
Is public speaking your thing? Tell them about how DECA got you to that position being comfortable speaking in front of others. Are you more of a one-on-one speaker? Tell them about how you competed in a role play for your first time this year. This is a great way to get them interested in what DECA can do before you deliver the final phase that is explained next.

Ask if they would like to help DECA!
To wrap up, ask if they would like to become a member! If they are a student and already have a DECA chapter, tell them to talk to their advisor and get signed up. If their school does not have a DECA chapter, tell them all about how to create a chapter. (Direct them to this). And if they are an adult, ask if they would like to become a professional member (For more information about professional members, click this).

Additional Tips!
If you know the mission statement by heart, consider using a little bit of it. But do make sure not to make it sound like you are repeating a phrase you have said over and over because that can sound a little bit robotic. Take time to practice before you are in the situation where you need to deliver your fantastic elevator pitch about DECA.



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